Investor Relations
I. "Ubiquitous Connectivity"                            
Aggregate number of "Big Connectivity" subscribers (million)   1,001.715 1,012.526 1,027.843 1,040.666 1,052.733 1,065.692 1,077.803 1,090.524 1,105.340 1,117.912 1,126.800 1,137.034  
Aggregate number of 5G package subscribers (million)   263.842 265.659 268.865 271.150 273.775 276.150 279.032 282.524 285.599 287.624 288.902 290.443  
Aggregate number of Internet-of-things terminal connections (million)   505.683 516.341 528.510 540.459 550.834 562.383 572.774 582.906 593.864 605.051 613.412 624.781  
II. "Innovative Application"                            
Number of customers served by virtual 5G industry private networks   9,185 9,506 10,030 10,560 11,123 12,016 12,769 13,534 14,013 14,705 15,348 16,059  
III. "Smart Service"                            
Resolution ratio of customer cases by smart customer service in the current month   97.9% 98.0% 98.0% 98.0% 98.4% 98.7% 98.7% 98.6% 98.7% 98.8% 98.8% 98.8%  
Smart customer service ratio in the current month   84.7% 84.8% 84.3% 84.5% 84.5% 84.6% 84.4% 84.2% 84.8% 84.8% 85.3% 85.2%  
IV. "Technological Innovation"                            
Cumulative number of patents granted in the current year   84 206 362 601 747 892 1,064 1,142 1,234 1,312 1,379 1,436  
  • To better reflect the Company’s good progress in grasping new opportunities, embracing new changes and achieving new development, the Company has adjusted the disclosure of its monthly operational statistics from February 2022 onwards. For the Company’s historical operational statistics prior to February 2022, please click here (Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly).
  • Aggregate number of “Big Connectivity” subscribers = aggregate number of mobile billing subscribers + aggregate number of fixed-line broadband subscribers + aggregate number of fixed-line local access subscribers + aggregate number of Internet-of-things terminal connections + aggregate number of networking leased line subscribers.
  • A virtual 5G industry private network is a high-quality private network based on the public 5G network provided to industry customers to satisfy their business and security needs. It is a core carrier for offering differentiated and partially self-operated network services. Virtual 5G industry private network has become a new engine for driving 5G application innovation, enhancing productivity and accelerating digital transformation in vertical industries.
  • Resolution ratio of customer cases by smart customer service = number of satisfactory resolution ratings / number of post-service ratings * 100%. Smart customer service ratio = number of cases resolved by smart customer service / total number of cases.
  • The patents mentioned in the above table are held by China United Network Communications Group Company Limited, the ultimate controlling shareholder of the Company. Such patents can be used by the Group.
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