Investor Relations
As at 31 December
(All amounts in RMB millions)
At 31 December 2023
  Note 2022 2023
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 15 352,433 355,995
Right-of-use assets 16 59,227 52,608
Goodwill 17 2,771 2,771
Interest in associates 19 42,469 44,188
Interest in joint ventures 20 8,582 10,240
Deferred income tax assets 13 469 817
Contract assets 21 61 86
Contract costs 22 5,857 8,493
Financial assets measured at fair value 23 4,109 5,217
Other assets 25 20,442 22,535
496,420 502,950
Current assets
Inventories 26 1,882 2,217
Contract assets 21 271 279
Accounts receivable 21 26,331 38,692
Prepayments and other current assets 28 21,155 26,208
Amounts due from ultimate holding company 45 4,606 4,610
Amounts due from related parties 45 465 588
Amounts due from domestic carriers 1,944 2,267
Financial assets measured at fair value 23 19,593 24,428
Short-term bank deposits and restricted deposits 24 14,699 11,079
Cash and cash equivalents 29 55,297 47,733
146,243 158,101
Total assets 642,663 661,051
Equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company
Share capital 30 254,056 254,056
Reserves 31 (15,234) (12,912)
Retained profits
– Proposed final dividend 32 3,335 4,088
– Others 99,462 106,242
341,619 351,474
Non-controlling interests 1,917 2,424
Total equity 343,536 353,898
Non-current liabilities
Long-term bank loans 33 1,528 1,252
Lease liabilities 36 36,429 30,617
Deferred income tax liabilities 13 950 600
Deferred revenue 37 7,832 9,212
Amounts due to ultimate holding company 45 300 881
Other obligations 38 1,218 939
48,257 43,501
Current liabilities
Short-term bank loans 39 331 681
Commercial papers 40 5,025
Current portion of long-term bank loans 33 368 354
Lease liabilities 36 12,495 12,640
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 41 154,838 161,279
Bills payable 5,811 6,275
Taxes payable 2,197 3,547
Amounts due to ultimate holding company 45 1,759 1,033
Amounts due to related parties 45 18,326 25,924
Amounts due to domestic carriers 2,125 2,959
Current portion of other obligations 38 2,493 2,493
Contract liabilities 21 44,714 46,179
Advances from customers 388 288
250,870 263,652
Total liabilities 299,127 307,153
Total equity and liabilities 642,663 661,051
Net current liabilities (104,627) (105,551)
Total assets less current liabilities 391,793 397,399

The notes on pages 102 to 201 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 19 March 2024 and signed on behalf of the Board by:

Chen Zhongyue Li Yuzhuo
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer

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