Investor Relations
As At 30 June 2024
(All amounts in RMB millions)
  Note 31 December 2023 30 June 2024
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 14 355,995 348,616
Right-of-use assets 15 52,608 49,952
Goodwill 2,771 2,771
Interest in associates 44,188 44,178
Interest in joint ventures 10,240 11,084
Deferred income tax assets 12 817 2,667
Contract assets 86 64
Contract costs 8,493 8,684
Amounts due from related parties 31 67
Financial assets measured at fair value 16 5,217 4,790
Other assets 17 22,535 21,026
502,950 493,899
Current assets
Inventories 2,217 4,204
Contract assets 279 302
Accounts receivable 18 38,692 57,572
Prepayments and other current assets 19 26,208 20,635
Amounts due from ultimate holding company 31 4,610 6,615
Amounts due from related parties 31 588 1,064
Amounts due from domestic carriers 2,267 3,983
Financial assets measured at fair value 16 24,428 18,558
Short-term bank deposits and restricted deposits 11,079 15,069
Cash and cash equivalents 20 47,733 45,839
158,101 173,841
Total assets 661,051 667,740
Equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company
Share capital 21 254,056 254,056
Reserves (12,912) (12,501)
Retained profits
– Proposed 2024 interim dividend 22 7,591
– Proposed 2023 final dividend 22 4,088
– Others 106,242 112,444
351,474 361,590
Non-controlling interests 2,424 2,481
Total equity 353,898 364,071
Non-current liabilities
Long-term bank loans 23 1,252 1,117
Lease liabilities 30,617 27,942
Deferred income tax liabilities 12 600 169
Deferred revenue 9,212 8,718
Amounts due to ultimate holding company 31 881 885
Other obligations 939 948
43,501 39,779
Current liabilities
Short-term bank loans 24 681 691
Current portion of long-term bank loans 23 354 351
Lease liabilities 12,640 13,095
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 26 161,279 160,349
Bills payable 6,275 7,417
Taxes payable 3,547 4,505
Amounts due to ultimate holding company 31 1,033 1,252
Amounts due to related parties 31 25,924 28,849
Amounts due to domestic carriers 2,959 4,325
Current portion of other obligations 2,493 2,493
Contract liabilities 46,179 40,314
Advances from customers 288 249
263,652 263,890
Total liabilities 307,153 303,669
Total equity and liabilities 661,051 667,740
Net current liabilities (105,551) (90,049)
Total assets less current liabilities 397,399 403,850

The notes on pages 22 to 52 are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

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