Message From

2023 was a critical year for the Company to implement the 14th Five-Year Plan. China Unicom has established itself through the “Internet”, grown through “Connectivity”, and become stronger through “Convergence”. We bravely undertook the mission and tasks of the new journey of the new era, took the initiative to serve the Cyber Superpower and Digital China strategies, shouldered the responsibility in scientific and technological innovation and in-depth reform, actively took actions in building development advantages and making up for the shortcomings of capabilities, and better performed functions such as strategic security, industrial leadership, national economy and people’s well-being, and public services, contributing to the enhancement of the ability to create comprehensive value for the economy, society and environment.


China Unicom resolutely carried out the national “Dual Carbon” work deployment, implementing the action plan for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. The Company actively responded to climate change, and helped the whole society to form green production modes and lifestyle with digitisation, promoting the modern development pattern of harmonious coexistence between human and nature.

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China Unicom takes serving the national economy and people’s livelihood as its mission, continues to assist in rural revitalization, provides high-quality services for the coordinated regional development, helps special groups to overcome the digital divide, actively carries out charity activities, builds a harmonious and collaborative labour relationship, and shares the achievements of social development with the people.

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The Board is committed to high standards of corporate governance and recognises that good governance is vital for the long-term success and sustainability of the Company’s business.

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